One magical venue, two epic adventures. Created by the LightPoets and presented by Kaleidoco, House of Shattered Prisms is the newest immersive experience from the Particle Ink universe exclusively at Luxor Hotel and Casino. By day, the Wanderlust Experience is available for guests to explore at their leisure. By night, the experience transforms to include live performance and mind-bending technology.
What is the difference between Wanderlust and the Show?
During the day, the Wanderlust experience is a fully immersive self-guided choose your own adventure through the House of Shattered Prisms. Guests dive deep into the story world of Particle Ink while engaging with magical, interactive technology. At night, the Show takes you on a mind-bending trip into the 2.5th dimension - like stepping into an animated movie. Particle Ink ignites the senses with an immersive show that combines dynamic live performers, acrobatics, and magical technology that converge in a captivating 75-minute journey that unveils the deepest secrets of the 2.5th dimension.
Do I need to bring anything with me?
For the Wanderlust experience, you will want to download the Particle Ink App. It will be available to you ahead of your arrival as well as when you arrive. We have some headphones available but highly suggest you bring your own.
Please note that no outside food or beverages are allowed inside the House of Shattered Prisms.
Can I bring a bag?
For the safety of our performers and other guests, we kindly ask that you do not bring any large bags or backpacks into the space.
When does HOSP Open?
We opened to the public on April 20th, 2024! Tickets on sale now.
What is the age limit?
Wanderlust is open to guests ages 6+. The show is open to guests to be 13+. For all experiences, any guest under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times.
How long will I spend there?
The Wanderlust experience is about 45 minutes long, though you're welcome to stay as long as you like! The nighttime Particle Ink show is approximately 75 minutes.
Can I Take Pictures or Video?
Particle Ink has a strictly enforced no-flash photography policy. Photos are encouraged! Please share your experiences and tag @particleink.
Is this like "Speed of Dark"?
It sure is! Except on a much larger scale. Instead of one large open space, this will have many rooms and spaces to explore.
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